tisdag 15 oktober 2013

The Larmen.com Italian Coffee Guide, further updates

No news about the Google Play situation, so I'll just keep posting updates here instead.
Some smaller adjustments made since last time: the typeface for the coffee descriptions was adjusted, a divider line was added to make the detailed coffee view more coherent, and everything was put inside of a scrollview. I was also experimenting with a frame around the descriptive text, which didn't work out at all. The final result is screenshot at the bottom below. I believe that the text body continuing below the screen edge should be enough to indicate the scrollable nature of the view.

Ideally I'd like to have another version of the application developed and testable before deciding which one gets to be the "final" one, with the navigational structure mentioned in my last blog post. To get there I have tested to different approaches, each with their own set of drawbacks: the first idea was to utilize the built-in ExpandableListView class in Android, and have each Header (coffe type) item have one child (their descriptive text). Since that setup is built more for a categorizing I came into some complications, which led me to the second approach of dynamically hiding and showing content in a regular ListView.
More to come on that..!

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