After digging around the Google Play store, I hope that changing some details in there will make version 1.0 show up later today. If you're anxious, search the store for Larmendotcom, and it should show up together with our other application Where's Malibu. I'll update the post here when the app is up in the store.
In the meantime I've managed to do some user testing and found some valuable pieces of feedback. One thing that I noticed was that, as I've mentioned before, the starting page didn't work at all. Since I didn't want to replace that with placeholder content, I instead reworked the navigational structure. The view now consists of a list with clikable items. When an item is clicked, the item expands to reveal the content beneath. The whole area is then clickable to close the item again, or you can just click on another item to open that, and close the former (a behavior that seemed expected in my tests).
Alternative color scheme test. This was experienced as less legible, and is in my opinion not as elegant.
The old colour scheme, but with the new layout. Feedback from the tests indicate that perhaps a loading screen or something would feel in place the first time you run the application, as the information was experienced as very "in your face", and a bit overwhelming.
The same layout on a 1920x1080 screen. Following the rythm guidelines in Android, the elements will appear the same size (48dp) on all different screen densities and sizes.
This new version (version 1.1) is downloadable from here! Just as last time, the easiest way to install is to click the link on your phone (make sure you allow for installation from Unknown sources in your phone Settings). If you have any trouble, please let me know at If you've tested any of the versions, please send feedback as well via Twitter!
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